Wound care specialists are essential team members for the best healing outcomes

Wound care specialists are essential team members for the best healing outcomes

Patients should be referred for treatment by a wound care specialist if their wound is not healing within four weeks. Seeking proper care and treatment earlier results in better outcomes for the patient. There are no benefits to waiting. 

This is an important message from Dr. Mikhail Novikov, founder of Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skincare in Northborough. An increased number of delayed wound interventions were noted during COVID-19.

Patients may have been under the care of a visiting nurse at home or self-treating. The standard of care is to be seen by a wound care specialist if there isn’t healing progress within 3-4 weeks. Delayed referral will result in much longer healing times. 

Dr. Novikov and his team of providers practice wound care full time. The team’s goal is to heal wounds and prevent recurrence. Collaboration with visiting nurses and PCPs help accomplish this goal.

Risks of waiting

Without the attention of a wound care specialist, there are negative impacts. The longer the wound remains open, the higher the risk for infection and other complications. Last year, hospitals reported a spike in the number of amputations due to wounds not being addressed in a timely manner. 

Patients may be apprehensive to go to a wound care center in a hospital setting or to a PCP’s office where they fear being exposed to the virus. Dr. Novikov assures patients that his local office is following all health protocols during the health crisis. It is also a safer environment because his practice does not see patients with respiratory issues, which lessens the opportunity for COVID-19 exposure. 

Very few patients under the care of Dr. Novikov need a referral for hospital based care. 

About Dr Novikov Wound Care Program and Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skincare 

We are a small local practice focusing on healing one patient at a time. Our healing outcomes in the nursing home environment, where we see elderly patients at their bedside, are consistently above average. Our local office in Northborough focuses on chronic wounds and surgical skin care such as excisions of skin cancers and cyst removal. We are able to see patients in a timely manner.  Please click here to book an appointment with us.