Nursing Homes and Rehab Wound Care Program

Our Nursing Home and Rehab Wound Care Program partners with nursing home facilities to provide specialized wound care, skin care and minor surgical dermatology services at bedside for patients.

The extensive medical training and wound care expertise of our team allows for accurate assessment, diagnosis, documentation and treatment planning tailored to each patient’s needs.

Our growth since starting in 2015 has been primarily through word of mouth. Read testimonials from facilities.

We are dedicated to supporting your success in a very competitive environment of healthcare reform, and look forward to discussing our future partnership. 

Call (508) 936-1657 ext. 5 to learn more.

The benefits of our services are summarized below:

Weekly Bedside Service

Our mobile wound care program provider team offers weekly bedside wound care alongside your facility’s wound care nurse. Our holistic approach and personalized care is tailored to each patient’s unique environment and needs. At the patient’s bedside, we assess, diagnose, measure, and treat the wounds, lesions, or rashes. Since we round weekly, there is no need to have patients wait extended amounts of time for a simple biopsy or other procedures, including debridement of wounds, incision and drainage of abscesses, biopsies, chemical cauterizations, and excisions. Whether it is a difficult foley placement, PEG, or suprapubic tube insertion, we will do anything within the scope of our practice to help you achieve the best clinical outcomes.

We practice minimally invasive techniques with effective pain control and communication throughout the procedures to ensure satisfaction.

We utilize bedside carts to bring supplies and charting material, so the encounter notes are completed before we leave the facility. As a courtesy and convenience, we print copies of our notes before we leave the facility, allowing the medical team to implement changes almost immediately.

Weekly Rounds

Our wound care program includes weekly rounds on the same day and time at your facility for consistency for your nursing team’s planning purposes. We discuss treatment plans with family members as needed and collaborate with primary care physicians to ensure the best possible outcomes.


Printed patient notes are provided at the end of our weekly wound rounds at your facility. This eliminates the need for your nurses to spend additional time searching the web for our EMR notes so they are able to complete their own documentation in a timely manner.

Financial Savings

  • We practice at no cost to your facility.
  • Our bedside services eliminate the cost of ambulance transportation and wound center fees. Additionally, it optimizes patient time in the facility, allowing them to participate in important activities, such as physical therapy and dementia programs. 
  • Performing appropriate bedside debridements helps to reduce the need for expensive debriding ointments.
  • We work with your facility formulary to save you money on costly medications and dressings.
  • We also provide Medicare part B DME surgical/wound care dressings for our mutual patients.
  • Our quicker healing times save the facility time and manpower, and are more cost-effective.

Outstanding Healing Rates

We are among very few healthcare providers fully committed to wound care and minor surgery. We constantly monitor our clinical outcomes. Our recent outcomes report showed 31 days to heal compared to others averaging 66 days. We use Wound Expert software to benchmark us with 883 wound care centers around the country. However, our most recent outcome reports show that with our treatment, wound healing is reduced to 35 days, a 53% decrease in healing time. That means half the wound dressing expenses to facility and half the nursing time to provide everyday wound care.

  • We achieve pressure ulcer healing rates that are 20% faster than those of advanced wound care centers.
  • Our overall healing rates are 10% higher than the national average.

State Compliance

Our wound care program providers are available to meet with state surveyors and answer patient specific questions. This ensures transparency and thoroughness in our care processes.

  • Quality assurance: 30% of the facilities we serve have achieved deficiency-free survey results, demonstrating our commitment to excellence. Instances of wound care related tags in these facilities are very rare.


  • Our popular 1 hour free in-service on Modern Wound Management is available onsite at your facility, virtually via Zoom or as recorded webinar option. A recurring schedule tailored to the needs of your staff ensures that everyone in the facility has the opportunity for ongoing education. 
  • Attendance certificates are issued to your nurses and can be applied towards their required Continuing Education Credits for licensure renewal.
  • For facility’s “rising stars”, nurses who are interested in career advancement we recommend taking our 3 hour Wound Care Course. Knowledge is power! Contact us at [email protected] or book a course at https://link.clover.com/urlshortener/3HTjvj

Services We Offer

Wound Care

  • Treatment of Acute and Chronic Wounds
  • Pressure Ulcers
    • Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Unstageable Necrosis, and Unstageable Deep Tissue Injury Pressure Ulcers. 
  • Moisture Associated Skin Damage (MASD)
  • Hematomas
  • Surgical Wounds
  • Wound Debridement
  • Compression Therapy for Leg Swelling
  • DME dressings for eligible patients. Utilizing one provider for wound care services and products greatly improves clinical outcomes.

Surgical Dermatology

Conditions We Treat