Featured Q&A with Dr. Mikhail Novikov
Does every mole need to be removed? The following video features Dr. Novikov as he weighs in on this question and highlights the importance of your provider using a dermatoscope during a skin check appointment. Not every skin specialist uses this tool. Our providers have attended specific training on its use.
Not every mole needs to be removed and this can be determined with a comprehensive assessment. The dermatoscope consists of a magnifying lens with a light. It helps to closely examine skin surfaces, lesions, and moles. Additionally, it allows the visualization of skin irregularities that might otherwise be invisible. It is a non-invasive and proactive approach to assess the skin and determine the need for further treatment.
Skin checks are an important part of preventative health care. Changes in your skin should be assessed by a skin specialist . Early detection optimizes positive outcomes. Using the ABCDEs of Melanoma helps you as you conduct self-skin exams on a regular basis and to notice any concerning changes on existing moles or other skin lesions.
View additional information on how a Dermatoscope Unveils Skin’s Hidden Clues.
Read a patient testimonial about his mole assessment.
Read more about what to expect during a skin check appointment.