A woman’s body experiences many changes during menopause due to hormonal fluctuations, and skin changes is one of them. What can you expect?
Common skin changes and how to manage them
- Dryness and increased sensitivity. Lower estrogen levels reduce oil production, leading to skin that is more sensitive and prone to irritation. Use a fragrance-free moisturizer to retain moisture and limit irritation. Additionally, products with calming ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera may be beneficial.
- Loss of elasticity and firmness. Decreased collagen production results in sagging skin and wrinkles. To improve elasticity, use retinoids and peptides. Consider professional treatments like microneedling to rejuvenate skin.
- Hyperpigmentation and age spots. Hormonal changes can lead to uneven skin tone and dark spots. Apply sunscreen daily to prevent further pigmentation.
- Thinning skin: Skin may become thinner and more fragile, therefore, it can bruise quickly. Additionally, skin may take longer to heal from wounds. Be sure to see a wound specialist if your wound is not healing properly within 3 weeks to prevent infection and complications.
- Acne and breakouts. Hormonal imbalances may cause adult acne. Use skincare products and consider treatments containing salicylic acid but avoid those that can dry out skin. Consult a dermatologist for prescription options if needed.
Proactive steps
- Use sunscreen. As always, a broad-spectrum, SPF30+ sunscreen protects your skin year round.
- Hydrate. Drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated from the inside out.
- Healthy diet. Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids to support skin health.
- Regular exercise. Exercise improves circulation, which can help maintain a healthy glow and elasticity.
- Adequate sleep. Try to get enough sleep to allow skin to repair and rejuvenate.
- Stress Management. Practice stress-reducing techniques like yoga or meditation, as stress can exacerbate skin issues.
By understanding and embracing the natural aging process, women can maintain healthier skin during and after menopause.