Phuong ‘Kimmy’ Nguyen, PA-C

Phuong ‘Kimmy’ Nguyen, PA-C

Phuong ‘Kimmy’ Nguyen is the newest Physician Assistant at Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skin Care. She brings years of medical experience, an interest in dermatology and a focus on the overall patient experience. 


She is a dual graduate from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy in Boston. Kimmy earned a Bachelors of Science degree and Masters of Physician Assistant Studies and graduated with Magna Cum Laude. She was amongst the few in her class to be inducted into the Pi Alpha National Honor Society for Physician Assistants for her academic achievement, community service, and leadership roles. 

Kimmy served as a physician assistant in the orthopedic and spinal surgery service at Orthopedic Care Physician Network in Massachusetts. She provided perioperative care and evaluated and treated patients with a variety of orthopedic and spinal conditions in the emergency room, inpatient, and outpatient settings. Most recently, she lived in Austin, Texas. She served as the neurosurgery supervisor at St. David’s North Austin Medical Center. Here, she first assisted in adult and pediatric neurosurgery cases for Central Texas Brain & Spine. 

Kimmy’s new role

Her studying and learning have not stopped. In fact, she is currently taking a dermoscopy course. She will gain more knowledge and utilize the instrument to more accurately assess skin concerns of patients for skin cancer. In addition, she continues to learn more about skin biopsies and other surgical dermatologic procedures.

She feels her background and skill set will help the transition to wound care well.

“I’ve always liked doing procedures and am good with my hands,” Kimmy said. “This position connects with what I have done in the past, such as treating abscesses and cellulitis. It interested me because of the ability to do bedside procedures, like debridement, and continue my interest in dermatology.”

Kimmy said she has already gained a different perspective about nursing homes and the high quality care they give to their patients.

“I treated patients with acute medical issues in the OR, who were discharged to rehab or nursing facilities or visiting nurses,” she said. “Now I am caring for those patients in those long term settings.”

Her strong interpersonal skills fit into the core values of the practice, which focuses on patient experience and communication.

“As a PA, we tend to spend more time with patients,” Kimmy said. “Better interpersonal skills improve the patient quality of care and happiness in the long run.”

She, her husband and two young kids are excited to be back in the Boston area where they are closer to family again. In addition to work, studying and raising a family, she enjoys cooking and would like to carve time out to play tennis again. 

Dr Novikov Wellness and Skin Care