The practice participated in the annual county senior citizen picnic

The practice participated in the annual county senior citizen picnic

The practice practice participated in the annual country senior citizen picnic. It’s another way to show our commitment to the community we serve.

It was a spectacular drive-thru senior picnic! The Worcester County Reserve Deputy Sheriff’s Association (WCRDA)’s annual senior picnic was held on August 21 at the SAC Park in Shrewsbury.

Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skin Care was one of nearly two dozen local businesses and organizations event sponsors.

Over 800 senior citizens attended. It’s typically an in-person event, but was reimagined this year due to the pandemic.

Physician Assistant Paige Lamica, Billing Manager Palina Klyshko and other staff members had fun meeting everyone who drove through. They were able to to answer questions about the practice and skincare, and gave out a fun goody bag.

The WCRDA sponsors many community events throughout the year including an annual coat drive, food drive, toy drive and an organic farm program.