An abscess is a localized collection of pus that can occur anywhere in the body, including the skin. It typically appears as a swollen, painful area that can be red or warm to the touch. It will need to be drained in some instances.
The Cleveland Clinic notes that a skin abscess may be able to be treated at home with warm compresses. Contact Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skin Care if any symptoms haven’t gone away on their own so appropriate treatment can be determined. Incision and drainage of abscesses is one of the many surgical dermatology procedures that can be done in the office.
What causes an abscess?
Abscesses can be caused by a variety of factors, including
- bacterial or fungal infections,
- foreign objects, or
- other underlying medical conditions.
Initially, an abscess may feel firm and hardened (indurated), at which time incision and drainage may not be possible. However, once it begins to “come to a head” and becomes softer and fluctuant, a minor surgery may be needed to drain the pus and relieve the pressure. A local anesthetic may be used.
Antibiotics may also be prescribed if the abscess is caused by a bacterial infection.
If left untreated, it may lead to complications, such as the spread of infection to other parts of the body.
Preventing abscesses involves good hygiene practices, such as
- washing your hands regularly
- keeping wounds clean and covered until they have healed
- avoiding sharing personal items that may be contaminated with bacteria or fungi.
If you have an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or an immune system disorder, you may be at risk for developing abscesses. It’s important to work with your healthcare provider to manage your condition and reduce your risk.