Why summer is a good time for skin checks

Why summer is a good time for skin checks

Summer is a good time for self-skin checks to notice any changes that might need attention from a skin specialist. It’s the time of year that skin is exposed more as you wear shorts and t-shirts more. This makes it easier for you to notice any changes or abnormalities on your skin. You may be more apt to do more thorough and frequent skin checks on your own. Furthermore, this regular monitoring helps in early detection of skin changes, such as new moles, growths, or changes in existing moles. Early detection is key for diagnosing skin cancer early.

Self skin checks, however, should be done routinely and not just in the summer months, along with an annual skin check by your skin specialist. Summer does bring increased sun exposure as it involves more outdoor activities and increased exposure the sun. This can heighten the risk of skin damage and the development of skin issues, making it an important time to monitor your skin.

How to Perform a Self Skin Check

  1. Use a Full-Length Mirror and Handheld Mirror. Ensure you can see all areas of your body, including hard-to-see places. Pay close attention to your scalp, between your toes, under your nails, and other less visible areas.
  2. Look for Changes. Note any new moles, growths, or changes in existing moles. Observe asymmetry, border irregularity, color changes, diameter larger than 6mm, and evolving size, shape, or color (ABCDE rule).
  3. Photograph and Document. Taking photographs of your skin can help you track changes over time. Document any findings with dates for reference.
  4. Seek Professional Medical Advice. If you notice any suspicious changes, make an appointment with a skin specialist for a professional evaluation.

Regular self skin checks, especially during the summer, can be an effective way to maintain skin health and catch potential issues early.

Read why skin checks are a better investment for long term results.