Jessica is an RN and the Assistant Director of Nurses for a 144-bed nursing facility. On average, 10-14 wound care patients are seen weekly at bedside by the providers of Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skin Care. Jessica personally has accompanied the provider on the rounds for almost a year.
She is impressed with the providers.
“Communication is good and informative and providers are consistent,” said Jessica. “I love having them as a resource. They are supportive and I always have someone to go to with questions.”
She is also “absolutely impressed” with Dr Novikov’s availability with his time outside of his rounds to advocate for his patients.
Bedside wound care “is nice for the patient and us,” said Jessica. “The providers have always been flexible with wound round times.”
Dr. Novikov’s affiliation with Sturdy Memorial Hospital Wound Care Clinic is also a benefit.
“It helps to keep consistency when patients are discharged and are able to see him for outpatient care at Sturdy once they go home,” Jessica said.