What are skin tags?

What are skin tags?

Skin tags, or acrochordons, are small, flesh-colored or slightly darker growths that hang off the skin. However, they are typically benign and painless. Generally, they form in skin folds and areas where natural movement causes the skin to rub against itself or clothing. Hormonal changes, age, diabetes, obesity, and heredity can increase the risk of developing them. The neck, underarms, under the breasts, eyelids and groin are common areas to find them. Researchers estimate that half of all adults will have at least one skin tag in their lifetime.

Should they be removed?

Skin tags are usually harmless and do not require treatment. They are often removed for cosmetic reasons or if they are causing discomfort. A common complaint is that they get caught on clothing or jewelry. A skin care specialist should examine them if the appearance changes or becomes painful.

Common methods for removing them include cutting them off with surgical scissors or a scalpel, burning them off with an electric current, or freezing them off with liquid nitrogen.

You should not try to remove a skin tag on your own as it could lead to infection or scarring. A skin care specialist will ensure the procedure is performed safely and effectively.

As noted by Cleveland Clinic, a skin tag can grow back if it is not fully removed. Also, new ones can develop.

How to prevent skin tags

Although there is no way to minimize the risk of developing skin tags, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid tight clothing that may rub against the skin. Furthermore, it’s always a good idea to monitor any changes or growths on your skin and have regular skin checks.