Pilar cysts grow from clogged hair follicles and most appear on the scalp. You may not even know it is there right away as they grow slowly; however, they can grow large. Often they are noticed while washing or combing your hair, by your hair stylist or if they rupture.
Per the Cleveland Clinic, about 10% of the population are affected with these and more people assigned female at birth are more likely to develop them.
Some of our patients with multiple pilar cysts have asked if they are genetic.
They can occur sporadically or in the setting of a hereditary predisposition with autosomal dominant transmission. Patients with familial pilar cysts are often younger and often present with multiple lesions at the same time. Hereditary pilar cysts appear to result from a two-hit mechanism involving germline and somatic variants of the phospholipase C Delta 1 gene (PLCD1).
They are benign cysts and can be more of an annoyance than a medical issue.
Dr. Novikov does not cut or shave your hair to remove cysts from the scalp. The procedure is straightforward and completed in less than an hour with little to no pain or discomfort for the patient.
If you suspect you have a one and want to properly diagnose it and discuss removal, reach out to Dr. Novikov Wellness and Skin Care for an appointment at 508-936-1657.
Case Study: Pilar Cyst
Case Study: Genetic Pilar Cyst